To Pray in Carmel

Carmel is the place of encounter
with God, with Mary and with
all those who seek God …

We invite you also to:
” remove your shoes from your feet “
and to walk in this way of friendship.
We offer you biblical texts,
the fruit of contemplative moments
of our mystics…
And, heartfelt, we unite ourselves
to your prayers and your intentions.

Praying with Mary

« Draw us after thee, Virgin Mary.
We will walk in your footsteps.

Mother, bless our pilgrimage of faith;
clothe us with your love, clothe us with your scapular.
Form us interiorly so we may be conformed
to the image of Jesus Christ.

Biblical text:

Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala.
Seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near her,
Jesus said to his mother, “Woman, this is your son”. Then to the disciple he said, “This is your mother”.
And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
(John 19,25-27)

Flower of Carmel, tall vine, blossom-laden;
splendour of heaven, child-bearing, yet maiden;
none equals thee.

Mother so tender, whom no man didst know,
on Carmel’s children thy favours bestow;
Star of the Sea!

Praying with Elijah

« The Lord lives
before whom I stand…!
(cf. 1 Kings 18, 15)

Almighty, ever-living God, your prophet Elijah, our Father,
lived always in your presence
and was zealous for the honour due to your name.
May we, your servants,
always seek your face
and bear witness to your love.

Biblical Text:

“He himself went on into the desert, a day’s journey, and sitting under a furze bush wished he were dead. ‘Yahweh,’ he said, ‘I have had enough. Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors. Then he lay down and went to sleep. Then all of a sudden an angel touched him and said, ‘Get up and eat. He looked round, and there at his head was a scone baked on hot stones, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again. But the angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, ‘Get up and eat, or the journey will be too long for you. So he got up and ate and drank, and strengthened by that food he walked for forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, God’s mountain. There he went into a cave and spent the night there. Then the word of the Lord came to him saying, ‘What are you doing here, Elijah?'”
(1King 19,4-9)

Song of trust in God alone

In God alone there is rest for my soul,
from him comes my safety;
he alone is my rock, my safety,
my stronghold so that I stand unshaken.
How much longer will you set on a victim,
all together, intent on murder,
like a rampart already leaning over,
a wall already damaged?
Trickery is their only plan,
deception their only pleasure,
with lies on their lips they pronounce a blessing,
with a curse in their hearts.
Rest in God alone, my soul!
He is the source of my hope.
He alone is my rock, my safety,
my stronghold, so that I stand unwavering.
In God is my safety and my glory,
the rock of my strength.
In God is my refuge;
trust in him,
you people, at all times.
Pour out your hearts to him,
God is a refuge for us.
Ordinary people are a mere puff of wind,
important people a delusion;
set both on the scales together,
and they are lighter than a puff of wind.
Put no trust in extortion,
no empty hopes in robbery;
however much wealth may multiply,
do not set your heart on it.
Once God has spoken,
twice have I heard this:
Strength belongs to God,
to you, Lord, faithful love;
and you repay everyone
as their deeds deserve.


Praying for the Holy Land

« Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called sons of God.
(Mt 5,9)
Tuesday, 12 May 2009

God of all the ages,
on my visit to Jerusalem, the “City of Peace”,
spiritual home to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike,
I bring before you the joys, the hopes and the aspirations,
the trials, the suffering and the pain of all your people throughout the world.

God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
hear the cry of the afflicted, the fearful, the bereft;
send your peace upon this Holy Land, upon the Middle East,
upon the entire human family;
stir the hearts of all who call upon your name,
to walk humbly in the path of justice and compassion.

“The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
to the soul that seeks him! ” (Lam 3:25)

Prayer’s intentions

« Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer,
believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
(Mk 11, 24)

Do you have special prayer intentions that you want
to entrust to our community?
We will present them to the Lord through
the hands of the Holy Virgin
together with the needs of the Church and the world.
